Elite Dog Academy
The Global K9 Elite Dog Academy is for those who take pride in being dog owners and want to distinguish their dogs as having achieved the highest level of training.

Upon completion of the academy your dog will be eligible for the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) and the Urban Canine Good Citizen titles, granted to qualifying dogs by the American Kennel Association (AKC). The CGC title is also a prerequisite for many therapy dog certifications, as well as a great introduction to more advanced dog sports and activities. Some homeowners’ insurance programs offer discounts for CGC dogs, and an increasing number of apartments and condos see CGC awards as a major bonus for becoming a resident.
Our Elite Academy guarantees our training
in any and all environments
On and off leash obedience: focusing on sit, lay down, come, loose leash walking, heel, and a place command.
Excellent manners at home and in public such as no jumping, barking, digging, chewing, nipping, counter surfing and more. We will get your dog used to waiting at doorways in your house, mastering the use of a crate. Your canine will also be desensitized to all types of handling which will make grooming and vet visits less stressful.
Traveling by any means of transportation. This includes but is not limited to cars, planes, boats, trains, etc. As well as be comfortable using elevators, escalators, rotating doors and more.
Obedience to the full spectrum of commannds
Ability to adapt and function optimally when faced with distractions and environmental stressors
You will receive the tools, training, and techniques used by our expert trainers to make you successful long after your dog leaves our facility. Elite Academy participants will receive:
An Electronic Collar
Bio-thane Customized Dog Leash
Pinch Collar
Custom Global K9 Training Place Mat
* You will be trained to utilize these tools appropriately and safely
All Elite Academy participants will also receive a 6-Hours of private lessons 2 at our facility, 2 in home, and 2 in any public setting.