Over 25 years experience
Courtney Robbins, born and raised in Milford, Connecticut, began handling and working with dogs at age 10 as a volunteer at her local animal shelter. She soon found herself training dogs and teaching other volunteers. When Courtney turned 15 she was invited to apprentice under the founder and owner of Camp Bark, a dog-boarding camp and training center in Connecticut. It was here she would learn to identify dog breeds, sanitize kennels, the dynamics of dog behavior, and the knowledge, methods and skills for training dogs, including special needs dogs with significant behavioral issues.
At 16 years old, Courtney became the youngest trainer to teach dog training classes. She completed training at the National K-9 Learning Center in Columbus, Ohio, to become a civilian dog trainer specializing in puppy and dog selection, basic and advanced dog obedience, military and law enforcement K-9 training, and personal protection. She would later earn the title of Certified Professional Dog Trainer, and serve as Director of Training for a national dog training organization.
After the 9/11 terrorist attack, Courtney felt compelled to join the Army National Guard as a Military Police Officer. Over the next three years, she gained tactical and operational experience attending QRF and S.W.A.T. schools. She was the first ever National Guard Canine Handler and while attending the MWD Handlers Course, she was recognized as the distinguished honor graduate and awarded Top Dog, as well and received an Army Commendation Medal. Courtney served as a Patrol Explosives Detection Dog Handler as a Staff Sergeant with the C.T. Army National Guard. She was later employed as a private contractor to Kabul Afghanistan for 13 months with a Security Forces K-9 team to secure checkpoints, and search vehicles and buildings at the US Embassy. During her military and private canine career, Courtney has assisted and worked along side local, state, and federal agencies on various missions including protecting U.S. Presidents, high-ranking government officials, the Pope, and other world leaders.
Courtney Robbins put her military training to use in the next chapter of her dog career when she left the military and became a private contractor. She has specialized in training elite protection dogs for military and law enforcement, professional athletes, public figures, celebrities, royalty, and world leaders.
Courtney Robbins has attended or taught more continuing education hours via government and the private sector than most trainers worldwide.
Franklin, TN
Completed K9 School for Dog Trainers at National K-9 Inc
Franklin, TN
Certified as a pet therapy dog handler through the Delta Society
Franklin, TN
Joined the CT Army National Guard-a Military Police Officer
Franklin, TN
Certified QRF Quick Reaction Force Training
Franklin, TN
Successfully completed 105 hour SWAT Course
Franklin, TN
Became First National Guard K9 Handler
Franklin, TN
Named Distinguished Honor Graduate of K9 Handler Course US ARMY
Franklin, TN
Named Distinguished Graduate for Academic Achievement of K9 Handler Course
Franklin, TN
Named Connecticut’s Top Dog
Franklin, TN
Certified for Connecticut’s First Aid for Law Enforcement Canine
Franklin, TN
Served as a Patrol Explosive Detector Dog Handler and assisted in local, state, and federal missions to include but not limited to responding to aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, working alongside various police departments, Secret Service, FBI, protecting 2 Presidents of the United States, and the Pope.
Received The Humanitarian Service Ribbon
Received The Good Conduct Medal
Received 2 Army Commendation Medals for meritorious achievement
2007 - 2009
Franklin, TN
Received Certificate of Completion and Masterful Display of Understanding at various seminars and courses including those with Law Enforcement, and the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives and decoy school for patrol and personal protection.
Franklin, TN
Acquired license to handle and transport Explosives through the ATF (United States Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.)
Franklin, TN
Certified California Narcotic Canine Association for Narcotic/Explosive Detection/Instruction with license to handle controlled substances.
Franklin, TN
Certified through Connecticut’s Police Work Dog Association with Police Canine Decoy School
Franklin, TN
Certified through American Society for Law Enforcement Training with Explosive/Patrol
Canine Course
Franklin, TN
Certified through ArmorGroup for Embassy Security Force Training
Franklin, TN
Certified through RONCO and NORT for Explosive Detection and Canine Course
Franklin, TN
Certified through ArmorGroup ESF Supervisory Training Program
Franklin, TN
AKC authorized CGC Certified Good Canine Instructor
Franklin, TN
Nino Drowaert Puppy and E Collar Seminar
Franklin, TN
Mike Suttle Puppy Imprinting and Detection Course
Franklin, TN
Justin Rigney NePoPo Seminar